I spent a day traveling to Tha Ton, to visit the famous long-necked
Ton is a very small village near the Myanmar border. As we drove north from
Mai, we visited a Buddhist temple located inside one of Thailand's many caves.
We also
visited a butterfly and orchid farm - Thailand is famous for orchids.
Tha Ton itself crawls with tourists. Apparently, people come from all
over the world to see these women....just as I had. The sad thing to me was
that it seemed these women lived in a kind of human zoo, with people constantly
taking their photo. And yet, these women were very gracious and poised, with only
a hint of discomfort shown by the young girl in the picture below. Yes, obviously
I was guilty of doing my part. Because of this atmosphere, I think it would've been
interesting to stay the night here, to see the real life behind the tourist life. But
then, my mere presence would've made this unlikely to have happened.